  • ellensmith

    The Joint Commission Provides Recommendations to Prevent Workplace Violence

    July 11, 2018
    According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), healthcare workers are four times more likely to be a victim of workplace violence with nearly 75 percent of all reported workplace assaults occurring in the healthcare and social service settings.
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  • The Anatomy of an Audit - Part 2

    March 20, 2018
    By Lynda M. Johnson, Timothy C. Ezell and Tonya S. Gierke Published in Arkansas Medical News (March/April) It is no secret that there are extensive challenges facing healthcare providers in today’s regulatory environment. In particular, the significant increase in government healthcare program audit activity over the last 10 to 15 years has created additional uncertainty and risk in the healthcare industry.
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  • The Anatomy of an Audit - Part 1

    January 23, 2018
    In the January/February 2018 issue of Arkansas Medical News, healthcare attorneys Lynda Johnson, Timothy Ezell and Tonya Gierke begin a series titled "The Anatomy of an Audit." The series will appear bimonthly in the magazine and will discuss various audits and offer suggested courses of action.
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  • Audit Review For Healthcare Professionals

    October 17, 2017
    The attorneys at Friday, Eldredge & Clark recommend hospitals and healthcare providers perform quarterly audit reviews to provide assurance that their financial and operational controls are sufficient and to identify and repair any potential risk to the organization.
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  • Attorneys Present Legal Issues at Healthcare Workshop

    September 8, 2017
    The Arkansas Health Information Management Association hosted a half-day workshop focused on legal issues in the industry. Attorneys Lynda Johnsonand Tonya Gierke presented at the event. Topics discussed included an overview of legal health records, responding to subpoenas, the retention and destruction of health records, HIPAA security rule and audits and amendments to electronic health records.
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  • News Alert: Beware the ZPIC Audit

    July 24, 2017
    While the Federal Government has many contracted auditors to assist in identifying overpayments to health care providers, by far the most dangerous of these auditors, from the health care provider’s perspective, is the ZPIC. 
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  • New Criteria For Advanced Diagnostic Imaging Services

    July 5, 2017
    New reporting requirements for healthcare providers are scheduled to go into effect in January 2018 as a result of the mandate in Section 218(b) of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act of 2014 (PAMA). PAMA requires CMS to establish a program to promote ordering physicians to consult “appropriate use criteria” (AUC) prior to ordering advanced diagnostic imaging tests for Medicare beneficiaries.
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