Jamie Huffman Jones
June 17, 2020
Governor Asa Hutchinson issued three Executive Orders on Monday, June 15, 2020, in response to the public health crisis posed by COVID-19. Below is a summary of Executive Order 20-33.
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Coronavirus News Alert
June 16, 2020
Last week the U.S. Small Business Administration released revisions to the Paycheck Protection Program – First Interim Final Rule in response to the enactment of the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (Flexibility Act), H.R. 7010.
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Jamie Huffman Jones
June 12, 2020
On Thursday, June 11, 2020, the Arkansas Bar Association awarded Jamie Huffman Jones a Golden Gavel Award for her work as Co-Chair of the Jurisprudence and the Law Reform Committee. The Committee is responsible, amongst other things, for researching and recommending a legislative package to the Association. This marks her third award from the Bar Association, having been honored with a Golden Gavel in 2019 for her work as Chair of the Mid-Year Meeting and with a Presidential Award of Excellence in 2017 for her work on an Association task force.
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Michael McCarty Harrison
June 5, 2020
Many Arkansas attorneys have an active bodily injury practice. Often, their clients’ claims arise as a result of motor vehicle accidents. Though Arkansas requires all vehicles operating on its public roadways to carry liability coverage of a minimum limit, not all vehicle owners do so, for a variety of reasons. Further, even if the tortfeasor has liability coverage, his or her liability policy limits may not be sufficient to satisfy all damages incurred by the injured party. Or, though the tortfeasor has a liability policy, there may be coverage exclusions applicable, such that the tortfeasor’s liability carrier denies coverage. In instances such as these, coverage may be available under the injured party’s own liability policy, assuming he or she carries uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage.
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Coronavirus Alert
June 4, 2020
On June 6, the Senate approved the version of the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (Flexibility Act) as adopted by the House of Representatives last week. The Flexibility Act provides additional flexibility to borrowers in using PPP loan proceeds and qualifying for forgiveness. The bill is now on its way to President Donald Trump for his signature.
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Jeremiah D. Wood
June 3, 2020
The Department of Labor (DOL) recently approved a safe harbor method for retirement plan administrators to use electronic media, as a default, to furnish information to participants and beneficiaries of plans subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). This new safe harbor method (New Electronic Disclosure Method) has very specific requirements that plan administrators must follow in order to provide participants and beneficiaries with electronic ERISA disclosures. The New Electronic Disclosure Method is in addition to the prior electronic disclosure option established by the DOL in 2002, but it generally allows electronic disclosure to more individuals.
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Attorney & Firm News
June 2, 2020
Attorneys Jamie Huffman Jones and Michael McCarty Harrison have been elected to the Arkansas Bar Association’s inaugural Board of Trustees. The board, which consists of 20 attorneys, will officially take office next week during the Arkansas Bar Association’s Annual Meeting.
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