  • Amie K. Alexander

    Amie Alexander

    21st Century Cures Act Brings Fast-Approaching Nov. 2 Deadline

    October 16, 2020
    While healthcare providers were reeling from the chaos surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and the Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC) quietly released two final regulations related to interoperability and data exchange across the healthcare industry. These rules implement directives from the 21st Century Cures Act and President Trump’s Executive Order 13813, and both final rules bring change and new compliance concerns for healthcare providers.
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  • Taylor A. Stockemer

    Taylor A. Stockemer

    Taylor Stockemer Graduates from LGLR Program

    October 12, 2020
    Attorney Taylor A. Stockemer graduated on Friday, Oct. 9 from the Leadership Greater Little Rock Program. He is a member of the Class of XXXV. LGLR is a nine-month community leadership program from the Little Rock Regional Chamber.
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  • James C. Baker, Jr.

    James Baker

    James Baker is Newest Member of ABOTA

    October 6, 2020
    James C. Baker Jr., a partner with Friday, Eldredge & Clark, was voted into the American Board of Trial Advocates at the National Board Meeting on Saturday, October 3, 2020. Attorneys Michelle Ator, Donald H. Bacon, William Mell Griffin III, Michael McCarty Harrison, James M. Simpson, Jr.and Frederick S. Ursery are also members.
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  • Bradley S. Runyon

    Bradley S. Runyon

    Attorney Brad Runyon Presented with Exceptional Peformance Citation From DRI

    September 22, 2020
    The Defense Research Institute (DRI) recently presented Attorney Bradley S. Runyon with the Exceptional Performance Citation for his exemplar performance as the President of the Arkansas Association of Defense Counsel. The DRI is the largest international association of defense lawyers. Brad is lead counsel in many medical malpractice cases and conducts all aspects of discovery and defense preparation. He has served as counsel in several medical malpractice jury trials resulting in defense verdicts.
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  • Lindsey Emerson Raines

    Lindsey Emerson

    Lindsey Raines Elected to the Executive Committee of the Ark Bar - Debtor-Creditor Section

    September 18, 2020
    Lindsey Emerson Raines has been elected to serve on the Executive Committee of the Debtor-Creditor Section of the Arkansas Bar Association. The Executive Committee strives to promote the goals of the Association within the field of debtor/creditor law in Arkansas, including organizing and providing continuing legal education opportunities focused in these areas of law. Lindsey is an associate in the firm’s Litigation Practice Group. Her practice focuses on business litigation, creditors’ rights and bankruptcy.
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  • Labor News Alert

    DOL Addresses the Definition of "Healthcare Provider" With New FFCRA Regulations

    September 15, 2020
    As you know from following our alerts and blog (read previous article here) a federal district court recently ruled that portions of the April 2020 regulations from the Department of Labor (DOL) implementing the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) were overly broad and invalid. This ruling left a vacuum with no clear guidance on the state of the law. On Friday, September 11, 2020, the DOL issued new guidance addressing the federal court’s criticisms of the previous rules. The DOL left some rules in place with clarification and additional explanation, and it modified some of the rules, in particular the definition of “healthcare provider.”
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  • Jamie Huffman Jones

    Jamie Jones

    Wrestling with Expert Opinions: The Advisory Committee Considers Amending Federal Rule of Evidence 702

    September 15, 2020
    Jamie Huffman Jones's article in the latest edition of Arkansas Lawyer educates the bar on possible amendments to FRE 702 related to the admission of expert testimony.
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