Friday, Eldredge & Clark is proud to announce its charter membership in the newly developed Law Firm Antiracism Alliance (LFAA). Nearly 200 law firms across the country are working collaboratively through a number of large-scale initiatives to help in the advancement of race equity and equal justice in the law profession.
The creation of the LFAA was in response to a national call to address systemic racism. The Shriver Center’s Racial Justice Institute, in partnership with the Association of Pro Bono Counsel, will utilize the resources of its members to assist legal services organizations in their mission.
The stated mission of the LFAA is to “leverage the resources of the private bar to amplify the voices of communities and individuals oppressed by racism, to better use the law as a vehicle for change that benefits communities of color and to promote racial equity in the law and in government institutions.”
The LFAA will host a summit of key stakeholders later this month. Attorney Jeremiah D. Wood, who serves as the LFAA liaison for the firm, will attend.