Timothy Ezell, Attorney with Friday, Eldredge & Clark, and Rud Blumentritt, Partner with HORNE Healthcare, address Start and the Anti-Kickback Final Rule in this 15-minute on-demand webinar.

Questions addressed in this webinar:
- Can you highlight the biggest items to come out of the Stark and Anti-Kickback Final Rule?
- What are the big takeaways for hospitals from the 2021 Medicare Physician Fee Schedule changes?
- What are practical next steps for hospital facilities to take in light of these changes?
Timothy Ezell practices primarily in the area of healthcare law, representing hospitals, physician groups and other medical service providers in various corporate and compliance matters. His experience covers matters relating to HIPAA, Stark, fraud and abuse, anti-kickback, EMTALA, Medicare reimbursement, compliance, joint ventures, provider sales and acquisitions, medical staff bylaws and credentialing issues.
Disclaimer: The information included here is provided for general informational purposes only and should not be a substitute for legal advice nor is it intended to be a substitute for legal counsel. For more information or if you have further questions, please contact one of our Attorneys.