
AADC Annual Meeting Recap 2017

August 7, 2017
The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Arkansas Association of Defense Counsel was held Friday, August 4 and Saturday, August 5 at the Winthrop Rockefeller Institute atop Petit Jean Mountain. Speakers included Attorney Don Bacon who presented "Ethics and the Art of Practicing Law Civilly in a (Sometimes) Uncivilized World."

Don Bacon Presents; Brad Runyon Elected Officer


Don presented at the 2017 Annual Meeting of the AADC. 

Don is a member of the firm's management committee and a partner in both the Litigation Practice Group and Medical Malpractice Practice Group. While he has represented a diverse set of clients in a variety of litigation, most recently, his focus has been in the area of professional liability representing lawyers, doctors, accountants and insurance agents. In addition to representing them in court, he has represented lawyers before the Office of Professional Conduct and has represented doctors before the State Medical Board. He continues to litigate in a number of other areas such as products liability, aviation and wrongful death.


In addition to presentations by guest speakers, the annual meeting also held elections for the 2017-2018 AADC officers. Attorney Brad Runyon, who previously served as the organization's treasurer, has been elected to serve as secretary. 

Brad is lead counsel in many medical malpractice cases and conducts all aspects of discovery and defense preparation. He has served as counsel in several medical malpractice jury trials resulting in defense verdicts. Beyond trial, Brad has an active motion and appellate practice and has experience with Alternative Dispute Resolution, having successfully represented multiple clients in mediations in Arkansas.
